MLB cancels rest of spring training due to coronavirus concerns, delays Opening Day


Major League Baseball announced Thursday that it is halting spring training games and will delay Opening Day by at least two weeks due to the outbreak of coronavirus.

The regular season was scheduled to begin on March 26.

"MLB and the clubs have been preparing a variety of contingency plans regarding the 2020 regular season schedule," the league said in a release.

"MLB will announce the effects on the schedule at an appropriate time and will remain flexible as events warrant, with the hope of resuming normal operations as soon as possible."

The league's action were inevitable as cities around the country have already banned large public gatherings.

“It’s probably the prudent thing to do," Oakland manager Bob Melvin said Thursday on the possibility of shutting things down. "I mean this thing seems to be spreading and getting worse by the day. And, you know, something severe, you're probably better off taking care of it sooner than later."

MORE:NHL joins NBA, others in suspending season due to coronavirus concerns

The league said it had consulted with all 30 teams and the MLB Players Association.

The NBA suspended its season indefinitely Wednesday night after Utah Jazz player Rudy Gobert tested positive for the virus. Teammate Donovan Mitchell has also tested positive. The NHL followed suit and 'paused' their season on Thursday. 

On Wednesday, the NCAA announced that its basketball tournaments would be played without fans and multiple leagues cancelled their conference tournaments on Thursday.