10 reasons I'm joining the Women's March on Washington: Column

Karen Salita
AZ I See It
Signs are held as marchers make their way down Andy Holt Avenue during the University of Tennessee's "sister march" to the Women's March on Washington on Friday, January 20, 2017.

10 reasons I'm going to the Women's March on Washington:

  1. Because our children are watching.
  2. Because women have been systematically devalued for so long that it's actually become normal.
  3. Because it's not about protesting the Trump presidency. What's done is done. It's about taking a stand to let the world know that we won't let a patriarchal society define us and devalue us.
  4. Because we've been taught to be critical of one another and that only keeps us down. Until we can learn to love each other unconditionally and see our similarities instead of our differences we will never improve ourselves or our communities.
  5. Because women have always and will always be the creators of life, and as such we choose to create a life worth living for our daughters.
  6. Because women have always and will always be most impactful when they come together in community and sisterhood.
  7. Because our mothers and grandmothers fought really hard to give us the opportunities we have today. But misogyny is still alive and well in this country, and now it's our turn to carry the torch.
  8. Because our fathers did not teach us to be passive and submissive.
  9. Because we are fighting for equality for all of the women in this world who cannot fight for themselves.
  10. Because I want to be able to say that I stood up and fought for what I believe in.

Karen Salita of Costa Mesa, Calif., is a technical sales representative and was a nationally competitive snowboarder. Reach her at empoweredheartsandminds@gmail.com.

Karen Salita.