From undocumented immigrant to registered voter: Documentary narrates journey of Arizona activist

Javier Arce
Arizona Republic
From left, Matty Steinkamp, co-owner of Mango Skies, Masavi Perea, Organizing Director at Chispa Arizona, Nicole Morales, Civic Engagement Director at Chispa Arizona, and Noemi Gonzalez, Digital Organizer at  Chispas Arizona, answers questions after a screening hosted by Chispa Arizona for the their new film titled "Mi Voto, Mi Comunidad (My vote, my community)" on Friday, June 24, 2022, in Phoenix.

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Masavi Perea-Montes de Oca waited decades for his right to vote — years of experiencing anguish, fear and trauma due to his undocumented status.

“Only an undocumented person knows what it feels like to walk down the street and see a migra (ICE) vehicle,” said Perea-Montes, originally from Chihuahua, Mexico. "In these last 20 years. I have witnessed many atrocities, such as seeing immigrants put on a truck after cashing their checks at exchange houses, or when they went to buy food at Latino supermarkets."

On April 1, 2022, he became a naturalized citizen. That same day, he registered to vote.

His testimony and the culmination of those two decades of living in Arizona as an undocumented person were exposed in a documentary titled "Mi Voto, Mi Comunidad," — meaning "My Vote, My Community" — during a press screening on Friday at The Garden in downtown Phoenix.

From left, Matty Steinkamp (cinamtopher and co-owner of Mango Skies), Masavi Perea, Organizing Director at Chispa Arizona, Nicole Morales, Civic Engagement Director at Chispa Arizona, and Noemi Gonzalez, Digital Organizer at  Chispas Arizona, answers questions after a screening hosted by Chispa Arizona for the their new film titled "Mi Voto, Mi Comunidad (My vote, my community)" on Friday, June 24, 2022, in Phoenix.

Produced by Mango Skies and directed by Pita Juarez, with cinematography by Matty Steinkamp, Chispa Arizona presented the film, along with a new campaign to get as many Latino citizens registered to vote.

“Becoming a citizen gives me peace of mind, but it also gives me a responsibility and a privilege, which is voting," Perea-Montes told La Voz.

A story shared by many immigrants

It's a story shared by millions of undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. Yet for so many, obtaining a legal stay still does not grant them the right to vote.

Voting is a key instrument that can change the lives of many, Perea-Montes said.

“Many things that happen in the community are because people vote or don't vote. Voting can change the lives of many people for better or for worse, that is why it is important to exercise our right,” said Perea-Montes, who currently serves as the organizing director at Chispa Arizona, a local organization that works to civically empower Latino families and advocate for environmental justice.

Masavi Perea, Organizing Director at Chispa Arizona, answers questions after a screening hosted by Chispa Arizona for the their new film titled "Mi Voto, Mi Comunidad (My vote, my community)" on Friday, June 24, 2022, in Phoenix. Morales stared in the film which spoke about his life.

Now that he is a citizen, Perea-Montes said his goal is to stay as civically active and educated on the politicians who are running for office, urging them to focus their efforts on passing immigration reform, stopping police brutality and pushing for environmental justice. He said he would not rule out running for political office in the future.

For Dulce Juarez, state co-director at Chispa Arizona, the story of Perea Montes is that of many immigrants living in this country.

“At Chispa Arizona we believe that environmental justice must have a democracy that reflects our values ​​and principles. And that cannot be achieved if the people do not have access to vote and with that, elect politicians who represent us,” Juarez said.

Steinkamp, ​​the producer of the film, said that years ago he had heard negative stories about the immigrant community, but when he met Perea-Montes he came to know an entirely different narrative — one that many immigrants like him share.

According to figures from the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service (USCIS), in the last decade, the country welcomed more than 7.3 million naturalized citizens.

“As a storyteller, I have a responsibility to give people the opportunity to tell their own stories," Steinkamp said. "Perea-Montes' story, apart from being good, is inspiring."

The virtual premiere of the documentary accessible to the public will be on Wednesday, June 29, from 6 to 7 p.m. Those interested in accessing the link to the film must register here.

'Voting and planting': A voter registration campaign

"Votando y plantando," which translates to "voting and planting" is the name of the voter registration campaign launched on Friday, in tandem with the media screening of Perea-Montes' documentary. 

Vianey Olivarria, left, and Dulce Juarez, right, State Co-Directors for Chispa Arizona, speak to the crowd during a screening hosted by Chispa Arizona for the their new film titled "Mi Voto, Mi Comunidad (My vote, my community)" on Friday, June 24, 2022, in Phoenix.

The campaign is led by "Dreamer" and activist Nicole Morales, civic engagement director at Chispa Arizona. She is also the person who helped Perea-Montes become a registered voter.

“Involving young people in their community is equivalent to planting small seeds, and in the future — by paying attention to it, watering it and giving it sunshine — our little plant will grow and make a change in the community,” said Morales.

As a DACA recipient, Morales cannot vote, but she said she feels enormous satisfaction registering people so that they can do so. To her, the people she helps register become that collective voice that represents her during elections.

“We know that when our people vote, they vote for their family, for their community," she said.

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